by Theresa Grobler | Jan 4, 2022 | Blog
1. As verkoper het u die eksklusiewe reg om u eie prokureur (of ten minste die prokureur van u keuse) te nomineer vir die oordrag van u eiendom. Die koper of die eiendomsagent moet nooit toegelaat word om dit namens u te doen nie omdat dit u posisie as verkoper kan...
by Theresa Grobler | Jan 4, 2022 | Blog
1. As the seller you have the right to choose the attorney for the transfer of your property. Neither the buyer, nor the estate agent (“property practitioner”), should be allowed to do this on your behalf as this could possibly compromise your position if a dispute...
by Theresa Grobler | Dec 21, 2021 | Blog
In South Africa there is currently no law regulating the validity or enforceability of a living will. But what is a living will? A living will, according to the South African Medical Association is “a declaration or an advance directive which will represent a...
by Theresa Grobler | Dec 21, 2021 | Blog
Even though the vast majority of people these days have a valid will it unfortunately still happens that some people pass away without ever having executed a will. The estates of persons who fall in the latter group necessarily still require winding up and the rules...
by Theresa Grobler | Dec 21, 2021 | Blog
Readers should not consider these articles as comprehensive guides on wills or the administration of deceased estates, nor do they provide legal advice. The information provided is merely aimed at informing readers of some basic aspects pertaining to wills and the...
by Theresa Grobler | Dec 21, 2021 | Blog
1. JOINT WILLS The most common form of will is the joint will. Although this is the form normally preferred by spouses married in community of property to each other, any two or more persons can execute a joint will. A joint will is therefore nothing more than a...
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